Getting Involved: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint in 3 Simple Ways

No matter what we do, it seems impossible to abandon fossil fuels as our main source of energy. From generating our electricity to our transportation, everything we do is contributing to the impacts of climate change. Here are three simple ways where you can start reducing your carbon footprint and make a difference!

Reduce Your Single-Use Plastic Consumption

In every phase of any single-use plastics ever produced, purchased, or disposed, carbon dioxide will be emitted into the atmosphere. As a result, it is affecting our climate and our environment. A few simple ways of reducing your plastic footprint are:

  1. Use reusable bags while shopping
  2. Buy a reusable water bottle
  3. Do not over consume, purchase only when it’s necessary

Shop at a Local Farmer’s Market

Surprisingly, shopping at your local farmer’s market will reduce your carbon footprint. Not only is this a healthier option for you, but the food does not have to travel far to reach you.

If you want to take it a step further, try reducing the amount of red meats in your diets as well. Animals that produce red meats such as cows, consume a lot of land and produce methane gases that are more potent than carbon dioxide. Reducing the amount of red meat will also reduce your carbon footprint.

Turning Out the Lights

When possible, turn out your lights and unplug any electrical appliances that may be plugged into your wall. As this seems like a simple task, this will lower your carbon footprint and save you money on your next electric bill.